Study Forum «Digitalisation in the Study Process»

What will the study environment look like in five years time? Can digitalisation improve the study process and how? Why would it be useful to overcome the fears and prejudices of new opportunities and to learn and use them? The RTU Studies Department and the Student Parliament invite the academic staff and students to discuss these and other issues on March 5, when the RTU Scientific Library will be open from 10am to 10pm. 11.00 – 15.00 forum «Digitalisation in the study process».

Various digital tools are already available that can be used by faculty and students in the study process, making it more interactive and effective. Some of them will be available in the forum. Leonard Budnik, lecturer at the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management at IEVF, will talk about his experience in using digital tools in the study process. He is not afraid to experiment, and his passion for diversifying the study process has proved his worth. In 2018, L. Budņiks received the “New Teacher of the Year honor” and has been repeatedly recognized by students as one of the best teaching staff by awarding the Student Parliament of the Year Award.

In order to inspire and encourage the use of modern methods and tools in the study process, RTU lecturers’ courses in the ORTUS e-learning environment will be demonstrated and positively evaluated by the students and the authors themselves as they improve study results and facilitate their work. In the practical part of the forum, those who are on the digital world with “you” will also be able to try different digital tools and make sure their use is neither complicated nor time consuming.

Forum Program:

10.30 Registration and Interactive Activity

11.00 Opening

11. 20 Summary of Interactive Activity

11.25 Students’ summary of the current situation in the ORTUS E-learning environment

11.55 Good examples of ORTUS E-learning environment

12.25 Why use digital tools in the study process?

13.00 Coffee break

13.30-15.00 Practical exercise

For attending the conference, participants will receive a certificate of professional development for five academic hours.

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RTU Career Day

Riga Technical University (RTU) Career Day, which will take place on March 6 at the International Exhibition Hall in Kipsala and will bring together 130 companies from 40 different sectors, is welcomed by students of all Latvian universities, especially RTU students, to meet employers, as well as participate in educational activities such as discussion, inspirational seminar and short interviews to find out how to get a very specific job offer.

RTU Career Day, which is the largest youth event in Latvia, will be attended by Latvian and four foreign companies this year, and Latvian and foreign students are invited to attend.

Career Day Exhibition – Meeting with Business Representatives in the Exhibition Hall 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., participation is free.

To ensure that all RTU students can attend Career Day, March 6, 12.30 students have canceled classes.

In the meanwhile to the activities in the hall, where young people will meet with business representatives, three educational and practical career education events will take place.

Seminar on the choice of profession “The future is in your hands” will be at 11.00 – 12.00 moderated by TV personality and actress Ieva Florence-Vīksne. The lecturer will share her experience of finding her profession, talk about obstacles, how to overcome them and use them for her own benefit. You will also learn where to find inspiration when you want to give up. To participate in the seminar, please register in advance.

Discussion on future skills and labor market challenges at 12.30 – 13.30, attended by Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science Reinis Znotiņš, RTU Vice Rector for Development Artūrs Zeps, Anta Praņeviča from Fontes, board member of RTU Alumni Association and CEO of MILZU . Each participant in the discussion will present his or her vision of the key issues of the labor market in terms. The discussion will be moderated by Ivars Svilāns, Director of Public Relations Department of RTU.

From 13:00 to 17:00 there will be a speed dating event featuring 50 companies, inviting students to a four-minute conversation during which both parties will be able to assess the potential for starting a job. If the parties’ interests coincide, young people will be able to receive very specific job offers after the event. After a short interview, students will have the opportunity to meet and speak with other companies. Time from 13.00 to 15.00 are open for talks in Latvian, and from 15.00 to 17.00 in English, allowing foreign students to attend the event. To participate in the speed dating event organized by the social enterprise «All Opportunities», you must register in advance and fill in the application form.We invite everyone to take the opportunity to find out what the labor market situation is today, what companies expect from their employees and what career opportunities they offer to students and graduates.

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