On September 3, begins new year of studies
On Monday, September 3, calling ceremony, which will be held at the Riga Technical University (RTU) student camp in Ķīpsala, will be officially launched in 2018/2019. academic year of study. Event will start at 10.30 am in the Column, located on the square between the Student Service Hotel, Electronics and Telecommunications, Materials Science and Applied Chemistry and Civil Engineering Faculties.
From 10.30 to 12.00, special event for young students – Opportunities Market – RTU structural units, student and interest clubs will introduce themselves, their activities and opportunities at the university. New students will be able to meet RTU Sports Center, Culture Center, Career Center, Attrition Foundation, Design Factory, Student Self-government and other structural units. Representatives of RTU Cheese Command will be pleased to present the presentations. Various activities and competitions will take place during the event.
From noon The official opening ceremony will take place from 12.00 to 13.00, at which students will be addressed and welcomed by RTU rector academician Leonīds Ribickis, vice rectors and others.
At noon At 13.00 students will go to their faculties to take the first introductory lectures that will be introduced to the faculty, its management, the self-government and the cadres. For the first year students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics (MTAF), an introductory lecture will be held at 10:00. 13.30 at the RTU Central Building, Kalku Street 1, in the Great Hall.
The Facebook page of the event.