Evgeny BARKANOV has elected as the correspondent member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
On Thursday, November 29, Evgeny BARKANOV (mechanics) was elected as the correspondent member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Short biography of the newly elected member
Evgeny BARKANOV – Dr.sc.ing. (1993). Professor at RTU, leading researcher at the Institute of Materials and Structures.
Areas of scientific research: finite element method, composite mechanics, structural dynamics and strength, fluctuation of fluctuations, reverse problems, optimization.
Published works: 3 textbooks, 2 book editors, 124 scientific publications, of which 59 in the SCOPUS database, 92 conference theses, H-index – 10.
Pedagogical work: scientific supervisor for 3 defended doctoral theses, responsible lecturer for 5 developed subjects, guest lecturer in Germany, Russia, etc.
Scientific projects: Coordinator of 2 international projects, incl. EU 7th Program Project and Research Project of the Taiwan-Latvia-Lithuania Scientific Cooperation Fund; 7 International Project Manager.
Organizational work: member and secretary of the Council of Professors of Construction and Architecture, Member of the RTU P-03 and RTU P-06, Member of the RTU Academic Assembly, Member of the Latvian National Mechanics Association, Expert of the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science, LZP Expert, EU 7.
Expert of the Framework Program and the EU HORIZON2020 program, member of the editorial boards of various international scientific committees and scientific journals.
Acknowledgments: RTU Rector’s Recognition Articles.